Tag Archives: morning cocktail

Thirsty Thursday: The Essential Morning Cocktail

Did the word “cocktail” get your attention?  You DRUNK!  Let’s be friends.

But seriously, this is something I drink nearly every single morning without fail.  Chug it on an empty stomach as soon as you wake up.  Many of us underestimate how dehydrated we are in the morning, so this will help get your juices flowing.  The lemon juice and the apple cider vinegar will help alkalize your body, and in turn, regulate digestion, metabolism, and appetite.  Raw apple cider vinegar helps your body maintain its balance of good bacteria.  The cayenne, if you’re brave enough to try it, will boost your body’s calorie-burning abilities.  And as mentioned previously here, fresh squeezed lemon helps your morning face look a little less like THIS:


So let’s get this mixer a-mixin’!

The Essential Morning Cocktail

Serves One



  • 16 oz. clean room temperature water
  • the juice of one lemon
  • 2 tsp. raw apple cider vinegar
  • EXTRA CREDIT: 1/4 tsp. cayenne pepper
  • OPTIONAL: a smidge of natural sweetener like 100% pure maple syrup or stevia


  1. Mix all ingredients into a large glass
  2. Drink on an empty stomach upon waking

Now, don’t go expecting this cocktail to taste awesome, because it doesn’t.  That’s not the point.  However, I have experienced that over time, the taste does become more tolerable.  Only add the sweetener if you feel like you need to.  Eventually, you’ll be able to live without it.